pills from pill pals
See A Doctor For Only $49
$49 one-time fee with free follow ups for a year
Get Meds Delivered To Your Door
$99 per Month
Call Us Now!
Fax Your Labs or Bloodwork
Treatment Summary

After you see a Health Pals Doctor online, you will have the option to get your medication mailed to your door from our in-house Pharmacy, Pill Pals.

With this monthly subscription bundle, you may receive ANY COMBINATION of the following ORAL medications at no additional cost:

* Phentermine – Any strength OR Phendimetrazine 35 mg

* Naltrexone – Any strength
* Topiramate – Any strength
* Bupropion – Any strength
* Metformin – Any strength *
* You may also receive up to Four (4) B-12 injections each month

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