Natuzen Co., Ltd. – 677942

Delivery Method: VIA UPS Product: Drugs Recipient: Recipient Name Mr. Seunghyun Cho Recipient Title General Manager Natuzen Co., Ltd. 289 Namdongdong-RoNamdong-guIncheon21639South Korea Issuing Office: Center for Drug Evaluation and Research | CDER United States...

Natuzen Co., Ltd. – 677942

Reference #: FEI 3006731547 Product: Drugs Recipient: Recipient Name Mr. Young-Gi Son Recipient Title President Natuzen Co., Ltd. 289 Namdongdong-RoNamdong-guIncheon21639South Korea Issuing Office: Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) United States Secondary...

Orange Book Data Files

Downloadable Data Files for the Orange Book The compressed (.ZIP) data file unzips into three files, whose field descriptions appear below. All three files are in ASCII text, tilde (~) delimited format. The Orange Book Appendices are available in PDF format:...

Zhejiang Tianyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. – 631054

Delivery Method: Return Receipt Requested Product: Drugs Recipient: Recipient Name Mr. Yongjun Tu Recipient Title Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board Zhejiang Tianyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Jiangkou Development ZoneHuangyan QuTaizhou ShiZhejiang Sheng,...

Zhejiang Tianyu Pharmaceutical Co Ltd – 631054

Reference #: FEI 3010972581 Product: Drugs Recipient: Recipient Name Mr. Tu Yongjun Recipient Title President and Founder Zhejiang Tianyu Pharmaceutical Co Ltd Jiangkou Development ZoneHuangyan QuTaizhou ShiZhejiang Sheng, 318020China Issuing Office: Center for Drug...